Our Mission

Our mission is to work alongside clients to protect their people and patrons, by supplying fit-for-purpose, tailored accredited UV-C light technology solutions.

Our health and well-being are directly related to the physical environments we’re in day to day. 

STER-UV™ solutions provide organisations with the opportunity to harness UV-C light technology to provide a cleaner, healthier and safer environment for all humans in any environment, resulting in:

  • People feeling safe and protected in indoor environments
  • Peace of mind for patrons and venue operators
  • Disinfection of up to 99.97% of pathogens on surfaces, objects and in the air, and
  • Commercially viable and sustainable long-term solutions

With use of UV-C light technology, all of these outcomes are can be safely and effectively achieved.

Meet the Team

Jason Antunovich - STER-UV Chief Executive Officer

Jason Antunovich

Chief Executive Officer
Paul Roberts - STER-UV Chief Financial Officer

Paul Roberts

Chief Financial Officer
Anne Zurzolo - STER-UV Culture and Operations Manager

Anne Zurzolo

Business Culture Operations Manager