UV-C light technology offers instant disinfection of objects, devices and equipment, without the use of chemicals. An affordable, physical cleaning process without risk.  A UV-C chamber is encapsulated UV-C light that emits wavelengths to destroy pathogens lurking on objects. Chambers come in various sizes, depending on the type and size of objects that require disinfection.


UV-C light technology is a fast, chemical free, physical cleaning process.
Technology can be deployed to disinfect a single object or depending on the size of the chamber, multiple objects at once. UV-C light will not effect the integrity of an object or cause corrosion. The light is generally emitted from all directions to ensure all surfaces of the object are disinfected.

Safe and disinfected objects, without compromise.


The applications for UV-C light technology object disinfection are unlimited. Chambers are available in many different types and sizes.  From ear pods to mobile phones and laptops, chambers are suitable for any object disinfection requirement, in any industry.  UV-C light technology adds a defensive disinfection layer as part of a multidisciplinary strategy to keep objects safe and free of harmful pathogens.  Safe and effective disinfection technology removing 99.97% of object pathogens.

Warnings & Safety

UV-C light technology products are for use in accordance with manufacturer guidelines only. Installation manuals are to be followed with installation completed by a licensed professional only.  Far UV-C products are safe for direct exposure to human eyes and skin. Other UV-C bands may be harmful with direct exposure avoided to human eyes and skin. Prolonged exposure to animals and plants may be harmful.

When it comes to UV-C light technologies, there is generally not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. The bespoke nature of the setting, the type of application and disinfection goals to be achieved and the volume of traffic, all require consideration of the best and most appropriate products. Please use the below form to discuss your bespoke enquiry.